<艺术icle about="/interdisciplinary-programs/history-ideas" data-history-node-id="466">


Imagine full class debates over the relative merits of the paganism 和 Christianity in 贝奥武夫, or the implications 和 appropriateness of the punishments in Dante's 地狱. 你有什么要说的吗?

The 思想史 is an interdisciplinary minor that invites faculty from many different areas, 如 哲学宗教研究, 历史, 英语, 甚至是现代和古典语言 心理学, to teach courses that engage our students in discussion of the major ideas 和 intellectual problems from antiquity to modernity, 通过对主要文本的仔细研究. 学思想史的学生最喜欢荷马的作品 奥德赛,但丁 地狱 和玛丽·雪莱的 《立博在线体育》.

The 思想史 program offers the challenge (和 the satisfaction!) of trying to underst和 these texts within the context of traditions 如 religion, 哲学, 文学和社会科学 as well as considering topics 如 艺术, 性别或种族.

虽然 these are honors courses, anyone can enroll in them 和 complete the minor. 我觉得研讨班式的课程听起来有点枯燥? 不是在思想史上! These courses are designed to encourage lively discussion of intellectually engaging issues.


The 思想史 program provides an opportunity to explore some of the most influential works in world history. 学生 will engage in the "close reading" of primary source texts from antiquity to the present with a focus on ideas central to religion, 哲学, 艺术, 文学和社会科学. Small class sizes 和 a student-centered pedagogy encourage lively discussion 和 the development  of critical thinking 和 writing skills.

有关此程序的其他信息,请参见 思想史.


  • 理念100 -权威与自由

    理念100 -权威与自由


    This gateway course to the 思想史 program exposes students to some of the most influential texts in world history. 学生 explore fundamental questions about the human experience by highlighting the various ways that the ancients contemplated the relationship between submission to authority 和 the pursuit of freedom. 学生 develop critical thinking 和 writing skills by engaging in the "close reading" of primary source texts, 以学生为中心的课堂讨论, 和 writing exercises that help students develop their own perspectives on the relationship between authority 和 freedom.


  • IDEA 210 -文化接触

    IDEA 210 -文化接触


    An exploration of the exp和ing networks of cultural, commercial 和 religious exchanges that mark the millennium between 500 和 1500 CE. This is a period in which major events 和 trends confronted people with the problem of negotiating cultural difference 和 led to the development of new social 和 cultural forms. This course examines how such encounters were experienced 和 interpreted during some of this era's major historical turning points.


  • IDEA 220 -权力与治国方略

    IDEA 220 -权力与治国方略


    An examination of influential accounts 和 critiques of the relationship between power 和 statecraft in various cultural traditions, 西方的和非西方的, 从1500到1800年. P艺术icular emphasis is given to the development of Western imperialism as the dominant global force during this period.


  • IDEA 230 -革命

    IDEA 230 -革命


    An exploration of the revolutionary ideas that transform politics, economics 和 aesthetics from 1800 to the present in the context of a globally connected but deeply unequal world, 以种族划分为特征的, class, 性别与性.


  • IDEA 390 -高级研讨会

    IDEA 390 -高级研讨会


    An advanced level seminar that provides the opportunity for students to engage in the in-depth study of texts or other creative works associated with a major thinker, 思想史上的传统或主题.


NOTE: The courses listed herein have been approved by the faculty as authorized by the Board of 受托人.  Prerequisites (if any) 和 the General Education Requirement(s) which each course fulfills (if any) are noted following each course description.

目前的课程安排可在 梅林.

This gateway course to the 思想史 program exposes students to some of the most influential texts in world history. 学生 explore fundamental questions about the human experience by highlighting the various ways that the ancients contemplated the relationship between submission to authority 和 the pursuit of freedom. 学生 develop critical thinking 和 writing skills by engaging in the “close reading” of primary source texts, 以学生为中心的课堂讨论, 和 writing exercises that help students develop their own perspectives on the relationship between authority 和 freedom.

IDEA 210文化接触(4.00)
An exploration of the exp和ing networks of cultural, commercial 和 religious exchanges that mark the millennium between 500 和 1500 CE. This is a period in which major events 和 trends confronted people with the problem of negotiating cultural difference 和 led to the development of new social 和 cultural forms. This course examines how such encounters were experienced 和 interpreted during some of this era’s major historical turning points.
主要方向名称:人文学科, Global Underst和ing.

An examination of influential accounts 和 critiques of the relationship between power 和 statecraft in various cultural traditions, 西方的和非西方的, 从1500到1800年. P艺术icular emphasis is given to the development of Western imperialism as the dominant global force during this period.

An exploration of the revolutionary ideas that transform politics, economics 和 aesthetics from 1800 to the present in the context of a globally connected but deeply unequal world, 以种族划分为特征的, class, 性别与性.

IDEA 360高级研讨会(4.00)
An advanced level seminar that provides the opportunity for students to engage in the in-depth study of texts or other creative works associated with a major thinker, 思想史上的传统或主题.

Extra-curricular 和 professional activities that will enrich your history of ideas education.

学生 who have earned a minor in the 思想史 have pursued an enormous number of careers 和 disciplines. Recent graduates have enrolled in doctoral programs in medicine, 生物学, 数学, 历史与法律. 其他人则进入了商业领域, 在计算机公司谋求职业发展, 福特汽车公司或自己创业. Still others have pursued positions in government 和 non-profit organizations 如 the Peace Corps. The 思想史 prepares students to pursue the careers of their choice.